Sunday, December 30, 2018

365 Monday.

I have written previously on  "the junctions of life" and today we are at another junction.  today, i will be travelling to my hometown, i would be meeting people i refer to as extended family, i would try my best to smile in as much as i don't want to, i will be making decisions for the new year which i am not sure  i would keep,  but at the end of 2019 i am sure i will look back and smile, i am sure after all i wont make terrible decisions and actions, at the end of 2019 i will come out stronger to 2020. I usually don't know how to live by or keep rules, perharps the only rule i know is to be happy. because i know at the end i will always be fine.  Here is to the new year...#cheers.
-Juliet kamah.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Dim Wednesday.

I Am That Writer That Don't Ever Want To Grow Too Big For The Characters In My Works. A Child Will Have To Dialogue Like A Child And To Sustain The Creative Flow,  I Have To Immerse Myself In Child Like Activities To Continuously Reinvent  The Child Like Thoughts . I Will Alienate My Young Target Market When Young Characters Start Dialogues Or Activities That Are Meant For Adults. 

When It's Time For Adult Games ,We Play  On The Field We Have Mastery Of...🙂

Friday, December 14, 2018


We All Derail Sometimes In Life. Often You Find Yourself Selling Yourself Short. A King  Forgets That He Is A King And Starts Playing In The Field Where His Royalty Is Taken For Granted. Never Forget Who You Are.  Rise Up And Reclaim Your Royalty! Start Playing On The Field Where Royalty Is Recognised. For Gold Only Makes Sense To Those That Know The Value Of Gold!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018



So much misunderstanding,
So much pain,
So much death,
So much broken homes,
So much evil in the mind of our youths,
So much lies,
So much failed marriages,
So many competition,
Lack of trust,
Suicidal thoughts lingering in many minds,
But our sorrow is not absolute,
Neither are the hurdles real,
They are simply the lack of smooth sailing.
Let us learn to view our problems as arrows. yet drawn back, it launches us to a better place. 
Let's learn to be happy nevertheless.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Funny Tuesday.

It is no longer called Lies,
It is called that believable truth,
The desired truth. 
It is what we want to hear, 
It is what we want to see,
It is a norm in a society,
It is no longer considered a sin,
It is so easy and eager to Leave the lips,
It is so sweet to the ears,
It is like the morning seed, sweet and bitter after taste.
The politicians use it, our fathers use it, the rich,bad, ugly all use it.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


I sat in deep thoughts,
Wondering how vast and uncomplicated my life has been.
How I went from zero energy to full energy.
I'm Juliet Kamah,
I've been ridiculed for being skinny,
I've been looked down for having small Tits,
I've been dumped for having little butts,
I've been discriminated for being black,
I've been mocked for wearing synthetic hair,
I've been envied for being too happy despite all odds,
But I've grown...
I've grown to be embrace life with full energy,
I've grown to be authentic and unapologetic. 
So today I'm no longer the shy mute Juliet but rather an unapologetic exquisite black queen!!!
You can't bring me down because I'm so high on life😊

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


THE MIND TRICK.(-is in your head)
Are you resolving to fate?
Do you think that positive changes are impossible?
Do you doubt that your country can be better?
You are not alone, it happens to each and every one once in a while. 
Most times we loose hope in ourselves,
Most times  we feel we can make it,
Most times we feel okay and relaxed at a place,
Most times we are scared of flying high,
Most times we are scared to take the next step in our relationship , career, academic and most times spiritual life.
Most times we are frightened by progress.
I believe that all human being are in one way or the other held down by mental chains. And the solution to this chains are also mental.
I read a story of a man who visited a zoo and realized that the elephants in the zoo had one of their front legs tied with a thin rope and in confusion, he asked the caregiver and trainee why and he said 
"Well, when the were very much young and much small we used tiny rope to tie them and at that age it is more than enough to hold them in, but as the grow they still) believe the cannot escape, they still believe that the rope still holds them, and they never try to free themselves."
From this story, the elephants can free themselves but their mindset is limited to that tiny rope. They believe that trying to break themselves will paralyze them.
Like this elephants,we humans also think that we can't do something, simple because we may have failed once or twice. 
This negative effect of something is called PYGMALION EFFECT. when we believe that we are not able to achieve a goal, we loose ourselves in the process, our self-esteem diminishes. 
There is also a positive Pygmalion effect, this is purely high Self-esteem. People that experience this effect have so much faith and believe in themselves.  They believe the cannot be held down by any mental chain.
 There are many types of mental chain, they "I cannot" , the chain that tie us down to our partners, to our home, to our city, to our career, to our country. Chains of not knowing how to be alone, fear of discovering new places and things. I have heard people say " better is the bad I know than the good I don't know" and that is a very terrible mistake, it makes you loose out on many opportunities to know or do good and positive things. There is also a chain that makes you feel safe at the job you have, it does not allow you to explore any possibilities. But remember anything that ties you down and does not allow you to fly higher is a chain. 
Let us not be like the elephant, free your self from any tiny rope, embrace new tasks and race, remove stumbling blocks that prevent you from trying new things.
Same goes to every Nigerian that thinks that the country will never get better. I urge you to stand up and vote. get your PVC  and cast your vote.  kill every "my vote does not count" spirit and let us get Nigeria moving again. 
Never forget the only limit in our lives are the ones that we create with our mind.  even the bible said " as a man thinketh so is he" 
The power is in your mind don't let it trick you. 



I've come to the junction of my life where I no longer understand my self,  Or understand what I really want.
I don't want a relationship, but at the same time I don't want to be single.
I don't want fast and easy money, but at the same time I don't want to be broke.
I don't want sex but I don't want to be celibate.
I don't want friends around but I also don't want to be lonely,
I am not happy but i am also not depressed.
Mehn!, I feel like I'm stuck in between 
In between of nothing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Codes,  Ethics, Laws,  etc,  Whether Legal,  Spiritual,  Physical Have Their Dos And Don'ts That Often When Violated Have Their Aftermath. Most Times We Forget That They Are There And Start Violating Them Until They Catch Up With Us.  Ignorance Is Not An Excuse In Law.  Don't Violate The  Law  Especially Ones That Bind You Directly Because One Way Or The Other, It Will Come For You.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Don't ever overlook little things, the matter,
little things  will slowly eat the foundation of what you are building and crash it in future. little things could contribute to make a single stone that could be the cornerstone of ones life and future. they may seem so small and insignificant but their impact has a long time effect. it could be in your relationship, career, academic, spiritual, and physical life.
little things could build or destroy a life, for instance everyday we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stress or offended. this are little things that contribute to our daily activities and when we allow this little things to get to us we are giving it power over our happiness. this is a perfect example of destroying life.
the other day I was passing through Bata in aba abia state, I saw a woman who brought out her time to cook and feed beggars along the road, to her it could be considered as a little thing but this little things has dug foundations of happiness in peoples heart.
little things could be constructive and also be destructive. PAY GOOD ATTENTION!!!
                                                                                                                           -LIETTY KAMAH