Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Of course i don't want to be sad, I would rather be happy with everyone, but that's not the way it works. It is important to surround ourselves with the right people. Sometimes the wrong people make us happy or maybe we think they do but it doesn't mean they are right for us.
The people we surround ourselves is very important, most times we seem to be comfortable with the people in our lives that we don't stop to think if they are really positive influences. The truth is that the people we surround ourselves with affect us in some ways we cannot necessarily recognise. There is nothing wrong with taking a look around and assessing what type of impact others are having on you.
One big mistake people make is not realising that happiness is a personal choice. But, every choice is influenced by the people in our lives. If you change your life influencers or the people in your life to positive people, you can dramatically increase your chances for happiness and success. Positive social connection has proved to be a great predictor of long-term happiness.
It's okay to evaluate people in your life, you have the power to promote, demote, terminate, and evacuate anyone you like. You are the CEO of your life.
Remember that!
Monday, September 14, 2020
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Joy is not a gift but a choice.
According to the Oxford dictionary, it is defined as a feeling of great happiness.
According to the Bible joy is not like happiness which is based upon happenings, whether things are going well or not. No, joy remains amidst suffering.
Rick Warren defined joy as the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright and the stringed choice to praise God in every situation.
Most people define joy as a feeling of happiness, when everything is going on well and you are smiling and laughing a lot. Many tie and limit their joy to their career success, academic success, getting married, spouses, relationship and other material things. But have you ever asked yourself this question "what happens when it is gone? Will I still be joyous when they are taken from me? "
When you choose a wrong choice of joy and it gets attacked we loose focus, it begins to feel like the world is closing in on us. We begin to loose our strengths, gradually our health deteriorates , we start to loose inspiration and direction, and finally fall into depression.
We must learn to to be joyous and happy regardless of what happens around us. You know why? Because, we can't control what happens around us but we have the ability to control what happens in us. Don't tie your joy to things or to a person because we can't control who they are or want to be.
It is a trying time for the world but we must not let that attack our joy, Before this pandemic a lot of people limited their joy to clubbing, social drinking, hangouts etc but now this things are temporarily no more, so what next?. That is why we have be careful during this self isolation period because if not managed well, one can fall into depression.. learn to set daily goals, learn new things and be happy regardless.
Always remember "joy is not gift but a choice so choose wisely"