Sunday, December 30, 2018

365 Monday.

I have written previously on  "the junctions of life" and today we are at another junction.  today, i will be travelling to my hometown, i would be meeting people i refer to as extended family, i would try my best to smile in as much as i don't want to, i will be making decisions for the new year which i am not sure  i would keep,  but at the end of 2019 i am sure i will look back and smile, i am sure after all i wont make terrible decisions and actions, at the end of 2019 i will come out stronger to 2020. I usually don't know how to live by or keep rules, perharps the only rule i know is to be happy. because i know at the end i will always be fine.  Here is to the new year...#cheers.
-Juliet kamah.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Dim Wednesday.

I Am That Writer That Don't Ever Want To Grow Too Big For The Characters In My Works. A Child Will Have To Dialogue Like A Child And To Sustain The Creative Flow,  I Have To Immerse Myself In Child Like Activities To Continuously Reinvent  The Child Like Thoughts . I Will Alienate My Young Target Market When Young Characters Start Dialogues Or Activities That Are Meant For Adults. 

When It's Time For Adult Games ,We Play  On The Field We Have Mastery Of...🙂

Friday, December 14, 2018


We All Derail Sometimes In Life. Often You Find Yourself Selling Yourself Short. A King  Forgets That He Is A King And Starts Playing In The Field Where His Royalty Is Taken For Granted. Never Forget Who You Are.  Rise Up And Reclaim Your Royalty! Start Playing On The Field Where Royalty Is Recognised. For Gold Only Makes Sense To Those That Know The Value Of Gold!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018



So much misunderstanding,
So much pain,
So much death,
So much broken homes,
So much evil in the mind of our youths,
So much lies,
So much failed marriages,
So many competition,
Lack of trust,
Suicidal thoughts lingering in many minds,
But our sorrow is not absolute,
Neither are the hurdles real,
They are simply the lack of smooth sailing.
Let us learn to view our problems as arrows. yet drawn back, it launches us to a better place. 
Let's learn to be happy nevertheless.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Funny Tuesday.

It is no longer called Lies,
It is called that believable truth,
The desired truth. 
It is what we want to hear, 
It is what we want to see,
It is a norm in a society,
It is no longer considered a sin,
It is so easy and eager to Leave the lips,
It is so sweet to the ears,
It is like the morning seed, sweet and bitter after taste.
The politicians use it, our fathers use it, the rich,bad, ugly all use it.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


I sat in deep thoughts,
Wondering how vast and uncomplicated my life has been.
How I went from zero energy to full energy.
I'm Juliet Kamah,
I've been ridiculed for being skinny,
I've been looked down for having small Tits,
I've been dumped for having little butts,
I've been discriminated for being black,
I've been mocked for wearing synthetic hair,
I've been envied for being too happy despite all odds,
But I've grown...
I've grown to be embrace life with full energy,
I've grown to be authentic and unapologetic. 
So today I'm no longer the shy mute Juliet but rather an unapologetic exquisite black queen!!!
You can't bring me down because I'm so high on life😊

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


THE MIND TRICK.(-is in your head)
Are you resolving to fate?
Do you think that positive changes are impossible?
Do you doubt that your country can be better?
You are not alone, it happens to each and every one once in a while. 
Most times we loose hope in ourselves,
Most times  we feel we can make it,
Most times we feel okay and relaxed at a place,
Most times we are scared of flying high,
Most times we are scared to take the next step in our relationship , career, academic and most times spiritual life.
Most times we are frightened by progress.
I believe that all human being are in one way or the other held down by mental chains. And the solution to this chains are also mental.
I read a story of a man who visited a zoo and realized that the elephants in the zoo had one of their front legs tied with a thin rope and in confusion, he asked the caregiver and trainee why and he said 
"Well, when the were very much young and much small we used tiny rope to tie them and at that age it is more than enough to hold them in, but as the grow they still) believe the cannot escape, they still believe that the rope still holds them, and they never try to free themselves."
From this story, the elephants can free themselves but their mindset is limited to that tiny rope. They believe that trying to break themselves will paralyze them.
Like this elephants,we humans also think that we can't do something, simple because we may have failed once or twice. 
This negative effect of something is called PYGMALION EFFECT. when we believe that we are not able to achieve a goal, we loose ourselves in the process, our self-esteem diminishes. 
There is also a positive Pygmalion effect, this is purely high Self-esteem. People that experience this effect have so much faith and believe in themselves.  They believe the cannot be held down by any mental chain.
 There are many types of mental chain, they "I cannot" , the chain that tie us down to our partners, to our home, to our city, to our career, to our country. Chains of not knowing how to be alone, fear of discovering new places and things. I have heard people say " better is the bad I know than the good I don't know" and that is a very terrible mistake, it makes you loose out on many opportunities to know or do good and positive things. There is also a chain that makes you feel safe at the job you have, it does not allow you to explore any possibilities. But remember anything that ties you down and does not allow you to fly higher is a chain. 
Let us not be like the elephant, free your self from any tiny rope, embrace new tasks and race, remove stumbling blocks that prevent you from trying new things.
Same goes to every Nigerian that thinks that the country will never get better. I urge you to stand up and vote. get your PVC  and cast your vote.  kill every "my vote does not count" spirit and let us get Nigeria moving again. 
Never forget the only limit in our lives are the ones that we create with our mind.  even the bible said " as a man thinketh so is he" 
The power is in your mind don't let it trick you. 



I've come to the junction of my life where I no longer understand my self,  Or understand what I really want.
I don't want a relationship, but at the same time I don't want to be single.
I don't want fast and easy money, but at the same time I don't want to be broke.
I don't want sex but I don't want to be celibate.
I don't want friends around but I also don't want to be lonely,
I am not happy but i am also not depressed.
Mehn!, I feel like I'm stuck in between 
In between of nothing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Codes,  Ethics, Laws,  etc,  Whether Legal,  Spiritual,  Physical Have Their Dos And Don'ts That Often When Violated Have Their Aftermath. Most Times We Forget That They Are There And Start Violating Them Until They Catch Up With Us.  Ignorance Is Not An Excuse In Law.  Don't Violate The  Law  Especially Ones That Bind You Directly Because One Way Or The Other, It Will Come For You.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Don't ever overlook little things, the matter,
little things  will slowly eat the foundation of what you are building and crash it in future. little things could contribute to make a single stone that could be the cornerstone of ones life and future. they may seem so small and insignificant but their impact has a long time effect. it could be in your relationship, career, academic, spiritual, and physical life.
little things could build or destroy a life, for instance everyday we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stress or offended. this are little things that contribute to our daily activities and when we allow this little things to get to us we are giving it power over our happiness. this is a perfect example of destroying life.
the other day I was passing through Bata in aba abia state, I saw a woman who brought out her time to cook and feed beggars along the road, to her it could be considered as a little thing but this little things has dug foundations of happiness in peoples heart.
little things could be constructive and also be destructive. PAY GOOD ATTENTION!!!
                                                                                                                           -LIETTY KAMAH

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sweet thursday.

sometimes I see my self doing what I'm not supposed to do, 
Sometimes I end up going to places I'm not supposed to go.
Not that I want to do them or want to go there but at the end I see my self doing them.
The best times I want to shut my tongue is the time I feel I must say something.
I feel imprisoned to my desires,
I feel imprisoned to my mind.
I feel imprisoned to my wants
I feel imprisoned to my fears
I want to be free and a master of my own mind.
I want to control my thoughts, without having to compromise.
Is really a great war between my mind and my actions. And I have only come to realize. that until I conquer self, I cannot conquer enemies and mountains.
Self control, once is lost everything is gone. 

Monday, November 26, 2018



She  literally worshiped you,
She took in all your faults,
Accepted your shortcomings and changed the ones she could change,
She was always checking up on you,
Spending on you even when it was not convenient .

You felt invisible,
Felt like you had others dying for you,
You took her for granted,
Then another man notices the qualities in her and starts worshipping her.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


You dig a pit around you, when you continuously spend more than your means of income. 
This pit gets deeper if it not controlled and this is when a good boy or girl starts  turning real bad, gets bolder, taking unethical ricks with the mindset " I got away with it the last time.
It is a time bomb waiting to explode, and could be avoided if we cut our cloaks according to our size.
We all like material things and money, but avoid pitfalls that will make you put yourself in a compromising position in your quest to survive. If you can't sustain it, don't start it. Don't because of a false life you started living and what will people say, continue to live above your means. Retract and retrace your steps. Start living  according to your standards, patiently work hard and grow with Gods grace.

never forget most times we sell our soul to the devil, and when we settle down to enjoy, the devil comes calling, asking for payback!!

Thursday, November 22, 2018



Earlier today I had a conversation with a senior friend, where I asked him how he was, he replied telling me he was high on life and health. his response threw me off guard but I was astonished and very happy. 

Many at times ,we do not even know the value of a good health and life until is taken from us. A good health is the greatest gift, wealth, and contentment and should nor need taken for granted. If you doubt me, ask cancer patients .

Wednesday, November 21, 2018



Change is an always-to-be expected action. people say is the only thing constant in life. Sometimes is what we indirectly or directly wish for. Sometimes is what we promise but never come through.  It is an inevitable part of life. In life we must face changes or change ourselves. People change, terms and conditions change, minds change, time changes, seasons change. 
I've heard from some people that change is uncomfortable, sometimes we are not prepared for it but most times we are left with no option but to stay and fight the change and in the end get changed.
Never forget change is constant and should never surprise you.  

Monday, November 19, 2018

Awesome Monday

When you take an elevated view of situations around you, often you will start to see things for what they truly are, masks starts falling off, and you see pits and traps that ordinary looked harmless for what they truly are.
Birds Eye view gives  one a wholistic clear perception, a better assessment of people, situation and things. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Dreamy sunday.

I wish I'd be happier than I am,
I wish she would take me serious,
I wish i never cheated on her
I wish she stayed and never left,
I wish i never looked her in the eyes and lied to her,
I wish she could have believed me more,
I wish I held her back when she turned to leave.
I wish she could have felt at peace with me.
I wish she was happy with me.
I wish I never made her cry
I wish I can turn back the hands of time to get back the hands of this beautiful lady I lost.
wishes and memories are all I have left.

**words of a broken cheat**
                                            -LIETTY KAMAH.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Mint Saturday.


"Affording something is different from sustaining something. If you can't sustain a lifestyle through a legitimate source of income, DON'T START IT. It will only keep you under pressure to keep up the style you had established."

Friday, November 16, 2018


confidence is a self prescribed medicine. it is the believe in self and also in others. confidence is not "they will like me" but "I will be fine if they don't."  Confidence is like a super power, once you start believing in yourself, once you start trusting you self, the magic starts happening. Self confidence is like a garment and should be worn everyday . I watched a video on instagram where a little girl was asked what's on your face and she answered "beauty" with so much confidence in her. confidence is self built, it is not acquired neither can it be transfered. Confidence is like an inner light that shines from within that cannot be dimmed. Confidence is falling five times and rising up six times.
In order to boost your self confidence you must;
  • Groom yourself: get to know yourself better, listen to your thoughts, write a journal about yourself, think of your shortcomings and limitations. Find out if they are real or just fearfully placed there. Dig deep about yourself and you will eventually find your true self.
  • Photoshop your self image: who do you want to be, where do you see yourself in the next five years. do a mental sketch of who you want to be and why you want to be that kind of person if is not a good one, change it.
  • Always think positivity and kill negative thoughts.
  • Dress properly: it does not mean you should wear the most expensive dress but dress nice. cut your hair and your beards if you need to. have a nice breath.
  • Start by setting small goals and achieving them, then little by little, enlarge your goals and work towards achieving them.
  • Always put on a nice smile.
  • try to volunteer to carry out and assignment once in a while.
  • Focus on being a problem solver.
  • Enhance your knowledge by reading good books.
  • Do that thing you have always procrastinated and clearly your desk.
In all just be yourself, let people see the real you. and never forget, NO MAN IS PERFECT.

{A birthday shout out to the man after my heart. I wish you long life and prosperity flavored with  Gods grace and blessings. Greater speed and acceleration in your career I pray. Amen! I love you!!!} 

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I listened to a song today which said " would you still love me if I am no longer young and beautiful?" it made me realize beauty runs deeper than physical attributes. beauty lies in the heart, beauty lies in friendships more than it lies in relationships. Physical attributes may attract you into a relationship but it is the level of friendship and inner beauty that keeps you there. The other day I watched a documentary on marriage and saw couples that have lasted 50 years and listening to their secret to long lasting marriage it was nothing but forgiveness (beauty of the heart) and friendship that has kept them going. 
When searching for love, look past physical attributes. and look deeper to the heart.
Always give friendship a chance before you take the jump to relationship.
At the end is not the sex or physical beauty that will keep a marriage but friendship.
Because if it was based on physical beauty and sex, there would be a lot of broken marriages than we have now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


All my life, I have lived for people ,
All my life I was bent to the rules,
All my life I have given my all to people who never deserve me.
All my life I have always said yes to whatever people suggest for me. 
I have never done a thing for myself, I have never said no to anyone. 
I was bent to do science in highschool because my father wanted it. 
I was bent to look after my little ones because I had no other choice.
I was sent to a university I didn't want to go.
All this happened because I never learned how to say no.
but I've come to realize that NO is a complete sentence we must all learn to say.
It is only by saying NO we can concentrate on the important things of life. By saying NO we award ourselves more time and freedom.  We must learn to say NO without explanations. 
N/b: being too nice may not gain you enemies but its sure going to gain you abusers.

Monday, November 12, 2018


I've Journeyed the hearts of men,
I've Seen different people,
The good,the bad and the ugly, I've seen it all.
some I expected a lot from some I didn't,
All I've loved and none never loved me back.
I'm a traveler set out to the hearts of men,
I do not know my next destination,
I only set out with happiness to spread to people I'll meet,
I'm going to see the world,
Filled with enthusiasm and optimism,
ready to share to very last every happiness there is to share.
I'm not of this world,
I'm just a passer by who spreads love and takes hate from your heart.
I'm just a traveler here on earth.
Please treat me good.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


I have written for 7days consecutively.
I started with penning my thoughts down in my diary before typing it into my phone. (Yes I blog with my phone, is my small computer.)
But now, I just type straight into my blog and is called "flow" and today I will be writing on self appreciation.
Self esteem or appreciation Is a personal evaluation of one's self worth.
Many at times we become so bitter at what life throws at us, we hate ourselves for not accomplishing our goals like our friends do, most of the times we compare ourselves to others, most of the times we don't even show ourselves love, the bitterness in us is so massive that it swallows the whole of us.
But no! Learn to love yourself, learn to appreciate your efforts. You are able to go for a contract even if you didn't get it, but there are people who didn't even hear of it.
You are able to at least trek back and you are so bitter at your self because you don't have a range, but there is someone who is wishing he could be able to walk, who is wishing he does not have to wait for someone to push him around.
You are so bitter that your friends earn more than you, but you don't know how much the toil every day and night and bury themselves in their jobs to get their pay. Their job literally owns them, they are like prisoners to the job, the job does not even know their name only their SAP no. But you are able to combine your small job with your little small scale business and still get enough rest.
You are so bitter that you loved someone who did not love you back, but there are people who wished they were able to love someone.
You are bitter to yourself for not having all the pleasures of life, but people who have it have you taken a vacation to their home? They also wish the have one thing you have.
No human is complete, we all need ourselves in one way or the other.
Drop the bitterness, be appreciative for life, many are in the grave. Appreciate your effort in every phase of life. You can do better in the next.
Confront the dark part of yourself and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. 
Wanting to be someone else is the waste of the person you are. 
How do you appreciate who you are?

i have picked out points from wiki how on how to appreciate who you are.
  • Understand the difference between self love and self absorption.
  • Be yourself.
  • Remember you have much to offer others.
  • Appreciate what you have already.
  • Be confident in your decisions and how you reach out to people.
  • Look in the mirror and speak positivity to yourself 
  • Learn to love yourself so others could love you in return.
Remember the man who does not appreciate himself cannot appreciate others.
Drop the bitterness now .


Today, I lifted my pen to write as usual but I couldn't stop reckoning about a man I met today.
Let me tell you about him.
"He is handsome, scented so good that I almost hugged him, 
He was putting on a black pants and a black shirt with his button well aligned. 
He had his hair curled and shoes well polished.
He drove a 2-wheeled truck.
I would call him my savior."
I was at the bus station already late for a program, he walked up to me and asked if I needed help with my loads? 
I responded telling him I had no money and I was waiting for a friend to pick me up to a near by garden where my services where needed. 
He told me " pretty lady, I know the sun is hot and I do not own a range rover but I could help you take you to the garden, is just down the street"
he lifted my loads and placed it in his truck. Looked me in the eyes and told me "I got you" 
we walked out of the station as he drove his truck I noticed he worked so passionately.
In my mind I prayed that he wouldn't rob me.{laughs}
Finally not too a long time we got to my destination, I offered to pay him the little I had and he told me 
"pretty lady, don't worry yourself, Is what I do at my leisure time, I saw you from Afar and this is all I could do to get a conversation with you {he smiled}"
With his love as pure as Gold I blessed him.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Success is not all about being rich,
Success is not all about achievements,
Success is the no of lives you are impacting,
Success is the no of lives you affect positively.
  • Discover your self.
  • Identify your passions.
  • Identify your goals and what you will do to achieve them.
  • Be purposeful.
  • Stick to yourself.
  • Manage your finances.
  • Manage your time.
  • never compare your life with other people.
  • Follow up on opportunities.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Learn to water your opportunities.
  • Never let jealousy get in your way.
Always remember that it takes deligence to stand before kings 


I come from a place where our motto is unity faith peace and progress, but we are disunited, our people are at war, we are retrogressed and the out of the norm people (lower class) have no Hope.
I come from a place where we have to fight for survival .
I come from a place where the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer. 
I come from a place where connection is the key not education.
I come from a place where Christians have to hide to worship.
I come from a place where there is so much killing and bloodshed. 
I come from a place where we have to pay so much for education and still no jobs.
I come from a place where our land is green but stained with red of innocent life.
I come from a place where our roads are bad but all leaders fly to wherever they want to.
I come from a place where everybody's life is at risk.
I come from a place where wealth and grief surpass joy and happiness.
Who would rescue us?
Who would fight for us? 
All we have left is a praying tongue and a running leg.
God help us!.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Many times NIGHT confronts us with the end and beginning of another.
The end of sorrow and the beginning of happiness,
The end of single hood and the beginning of Marriage,
The end of a year and the beginning of another,
The end of a month and a beginning of another,
The end of a day and the beginning of another.
The end of a session and the beginning of another,
  • APPRECIATION: Appreciation is the application for more intervention. You may not be there you want to be, but you are also not where the devil wants you to be (grave.)
  • REVISION: It is important you review your life direction and your initial planned actions to check where you have failed.
  • DECISION: Decision determines destination and decision affects your acceleration. You get what you decide out of life not what you desire.
  • DETERMINATION: This is the refusal to give up on life, the decision to keep going. When people give up, they go down.
  • REVELATION: Your visions, decisions and revison must be fueled with revelation. Revelation determines elevation.
  • DECLARATION: At the junction of life, keep declaring positive. What is not declared is not cleared.
  • EXPECTATION: At the junctions of life, always be optimistic about the next phase.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Friends are the family we get to choose,
Friends are people we choose to love and spend time with.
Friends are people who we choose to support and accept despite their shortcomings.
Friends are people who choose to stand by us and go through hell with us when we can't find heaven.
Friends are a family away from home.
Friends are angels that lift us up our feet whenever our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • Never expect much from them.
  • Avoid being judgemental.
  • Always listen to them.
  • Keep in touch always no matter the distance.
  • Try to stick around when things get tough.
  • Always try to make them laugh.
  • Be loyal and love unconditionally.
  • Be transparent and truthful in your dealings with them.
  • Get physical (hugging)
  • Tell them how you feel.
Each friend is a precious stone, keep them well.

Monday, November 5, 2018


         FOR A MOMENT 
For a moment I gaped at her,
As she stood starkers before me.
I could feel my heart beating so fast and my adrenaline rushing,
As she took a stride to reach for her  toalla.
For a moment I gazed at her pointy teats
And I was lost in awe at how amazing life could be in a second.
For a moment I lost my breath and forgot how to breath as I watched her apply oil to her skin 
And ...
For a moment I realized i was at the junction of love and lust. 
                               -LIETTY KAMAH.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


It is a beautiful Bright day, 
With air like cider and a sky so blue, you could drown in it.
The chattering of students returning from lectures,
The discussion of market women down the road,
The sound of the grinding engine in the market,
The chirping of birds outside my window,
The whoosh of a stiff-breeze raising my curtains.
There on my bed I laid unclad, 
With my cuffia plugged to my ears and no music playing. I pondered,
"What else is there to life aside from living?"
Even the dead wished they were living.
No wonder shira tamir said,
"any one who thinks fallen leaves are dead, has never watched them dancing on a windy day"

                                 -LIETTY KAMAH.

Friday, September 14, 2018


What if you wake up everyday living different lives?
How enthralling it would be right?
Today you could be a politician,tomorrow a college student,next tomorrow a prisoner...{and the list goes on}
Would you mess it up more or would you try to fix it?
Same applies to every person we meet daily.
Do you make positive or negative impact on their lives?
Do you live them broken or fixed?
Is a question for your thoughts.

Everyday we live let's lighting the world with our positive impacts.
                                              -JULIET KAMAH

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Deep Thursday.

Life sometimes is unfair,
Life sometimes is unjust,
Life sometimes is bitter,
Life sometimes is ugly,
But also,
Life sometimes is beautiful,
Life sometimes is amazing,
Life sometimes is Breathtaking,
Life sometimes is thrilled
Life sometimes is stunning.
Life is just a four letter word, but it encompasses the whole alphabet with it's meaning.
No one is born happy, but everyone is born with the ability to create happiness.
                       -Juliet kamah.